natural view of Bokor Mountain!!!

Bokor Mountain , Kampot Cambodia

For the ride, for the scenery, for the cool mountain air, for the adventure, for relaxation. All good reasons to travel the the top of Bokor Mountain. And now, there's a world class resort and casino with 12 restaurants too! Tansur Bokor Highlands Resort.

Bokor Hill Station
32 kilometers and 1,101 meters up from road 3 near Kampot, is the Bokor Mountain Hill Station, in Bokor National Park. Originally a small resort town, it is now an abandoned ghost town and National Park. Except for the many tourist and Park personnel, and a few hundred construction workers that is. Most famous for the abandoned Casino at the top of the mountain, there is also a church, buildings for the former king, and either a view of fog or a view of Southern Cambodia's Islands and Vietnam's island Phu Quoc.

There are stories of wild animals on the mountain, including lions and tigers and bears, and elephants, but if you actually see them, please let us know.

the bokor waterfall

Getting up to Bokor National Park
From Kampot, take the road towards route 4 about 8 kilometers. On the right side, you will see a large plaque welcoming you to Bokor National Park. Just up the road is the Bokor ranger station. There is no fee to go up the mountain.

You can take a motorcycle or car up to the top. If you don't have your own bike, big dirt bikes can be rented in Kampot for less than $12/day and 100cc motos for $4 - $5. Gas is $1.25 a liter. The drive up is now smooth and quite nice. You may want to bring some warm clothes as the temperatures, especially at night are much cooler, and there is often fog or rain at the top.

You can also get a ride in a pickup truck (either inside or in the back) for a day trip, including lunch for $18 to $25. Most tours leave from downtown Kampot.

Walking is sometimes an option, but plan for a few day trip, with lots of gear. You'll need to check at the ranger station at the bottom of the mountain, to see if they'll let you walk. If you get far off the beaten path, beware of wild animals (and illegal poachers). You can hire the rangers to give you a tour, and the price is whatever they can charge. $10+ per day. There are walking trails on top from a couple hour walk to a full day.

There are some sights to see on the way up, such as the waterfalls, and the old King's "staff" accommodations, so you might want to take a few rest breaks along the way. You should also bring something to eat and drink, which is really helpful if your vehicle breaks down.

Most people stay in hotels in Kampot, Cambodia, and take the day tour up the mountain. That's changing quite a bit now, with the new Resort at the top. You can also take the trip from Kep, Cambodia, but it's about 50 minutes more travel time, round trip.

Diving and Snorkeling in Sihanoukville, Cambodia.

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Let's See What is The Beauty Of Kampot Province ?

Let's See What is The Beauty Of Kampot Province ? 

Happy With Boat 

Long described as “sleepy”, the Kampot of today is transforming into a lively tourist destination, with plenty of good restaurants, bars and music to be found. But that doesn’t mean they’ve given up on the hardcore riverside lounging that the city has built its name on. Not by a long shot. It’s also an excellent base from which to explore Bokor National Park. And of course, you must pick up your own peck of the best pepper in the world, straight from the source.
Kampot Sunset At The Riverside
The town was once an important trading centre and until the establishment of a deep sea port at Sihanoukville in the 1950s, Kampot was Cambodia's primary port. A small fleet of fishing boats can still be seen unloading each morning a short walk south of the main town. Given Kampot's proximity to the Vietnamese border, fish often aren't the only catch being unloaded, with smuggling -- particularly of cigarettes -- a handy extra earner for the trawlers.
Boat Tour 
Guest House Since Franch 1962
Pepper plantations as well as a few low-key sites can be visited from town, but Bokor is the one unmissable spot, a highlight of any visit to the Cambodian coast. From atop the hill, an abandoned church and casino, remnants from Cambodia's French colonial period, stare bleakly out into the passing clouds, trying to remember the sounds of pious hymnals and pompous affairs that once animated them. Today, their romance lingers somehow despite their battered state -- the Khmer Rouge and Vietnamese spent a long stretch shooting at each other here, with one team in the casino and the other in the church, and yet another in the king's house around the corner and facing the church. But then again, anything will look romantic compared to the monstrosity that is the new casino development built down the road. Bikers will bemoan the fact that a proper road has now been built to whisk you all the way to the top, but it at least means you no longer have a tough trek to the top.

Kampot is pretty, in a rundown kind of way. Plenty of villas and old shopfront trading houses, especially along the river road, make it a pleasant area to wander through -- thankfully Kampot hasn't lost too many of its older buildings to the glass and brass brigade (yet). Given time and sufficient interest from travellers, many of these buildings will hopefully be retained. The Old Market, long a derelict landmark, has recently been revitalised with shops and eateries and the old fish market on the riverside in front of it looks set to be relaunched as a swish restaurant in 2016.

Along with its relaxed ambience comes an excellent selection of places to stay, from cheap backpacker-orientated guesthouses through to some fine flashpacker and midrange hotels. Kampot also boasts plenty of decent places to enjoy Cambodian and Western food and just hang out.

Within town, activities include taking a walk over the once-bombed but now repaired river bridge for a view of the town, enjoying a sunset boat cruise up the Kampot River or just hiring a bicycle and meandering about. You also, of course, need to enjoy at least one sunset over Bokor by the river with a drink in hand. Further afield are some caves just off the road to Kep, the Secret Lake, some salt fields and a small waterfall.

A growing number of people are also attracted to Kampot to spend some time with a volunteer project. Choose from a range of options, from short-term through to longer-term projects working with disadvantaged groups. Epic Arts Cafe is a good place to start with any enquiries.

It's also worth noting that although the town is sporting sparkling new signage, most locals don't know the street numbers -- the signs are apparently for the benefit of a certain Google car. Most navigation is still done by landmarks, usually roundabouts and bridges. Pick up a copy of the excellent Kampot Survival Guide for a town map and some very tongue-in-cheek advice.

Look after your banking needs at Acleda and Canadia Banks. Both have ATMs and money exchange facilities. The latter has Western Union services. You'll find the Canadia Bank on the Durian Roundabout, and Acleda is on the junction of Streets 724 and 701. There are plenty of ATMs along the riverside as well, the easiest one for most being on the riverside end of the Old Market arcade.

Internet cafes are dotted around town, with the best selection on the road running between the old bridge and the traffic circle. A few guesthouses offer WiFi access, including Jasmine and Bokor Mountain Lodge.

The post office is at the southern end of Kampot, on the River Road, past Rikitikitavi. We’d recommend waiting until you get to Phnom Penh for anything international, or valuable.

There's a basic hospital a block north of the old bridge, but for anything remotely serious you're better off heading to Phnom Penh. For anything less serious, there are a number of pharmacies, though the one just off the Salt Workers Roundabout, on Street 701, looks pretty well-stocked and some of the staff speak English.
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Kampot, a Quiet Riverside Town in Southern Cambodia

Happy Khmer New Year Song & Dance 2016

Iphone 7 Charging !!

Kampot Cambodia The Land Of Natural Tourism

 Kampot Cambodia
On the River...
Kampot sits along the east side of the Kampong Bay River near the base of the Elephant Mountains and is of quite different character than the beach town of Sihanoukville. Kampot City is an old provincial capital of quiet lanes and colonial architecture, a bit worn but radiating a quaint, welcoming, small town ambiance. A partially destroyed bridge, bombed in the wars, sits city center over the river, its unique haphazard appearance now a bit of an icon.

Kampot is a place to get a taste of provincial Cambodia, both urban and rural. Use the city as a base to explore and tour the surrounding countryside and as a stepping stone to the nearby beaches and islands of Kep, the  Bokor Hill Station and the rest of southeastern Cambodia. Come the end of the day in Kampot, a little riverside cafe or pub is the place to be, relaxing curbside over a drink, watching the sun set behind the Elephant Mountains.

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2016 Kawasaki ZX-10R Ninja | First Ride